Read through Acne Vulgaris - the Causes and Treatments for Acne Vulgaris a lot more

Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin disorder affecting susceptible hair follicles, most commonly found on the neck, upper trunk, and face. It is described by comedones (which are primary lesions of acne) that are both open and closed, and by cysts, nodules, pustules, and papules.

Acne is one of the most frequently encountered skin diseases in adolescents. Both genders are affected equally, but onset in girls is a little earlier. This may be because girls reach puberty at a younger age than boys. Acne is more noticeable during adolescence because the endocrine glands that influence the sebaceous glands (responsible for secretion of sebum or oil) are on their highest performance. Acne seems to have stemmed from the interaction of hormonal, bacterial, and genetic factors.

Causes of Acne Vulgaris

During childhood, the sebaceous glands are small and virtually nonfunctioning. These glands are under endocrine control, especially by the androgens. During puberty, androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands, causing them to enlarge and secrete natural oil called sebum, which rises to the top of the hair follicle and flows out onto the skin surface. In adolescents who develop acne, androgenic stimulation produces a heightened response in the sebaceous glands so that acne occurs when accumulated sebum plugs the pilosebaceuos ducts. This accumulated material forms comedones.

The primary lesions of acne are comedones. Closed comedones (whiteheads) are obstructive lesions formed from impacted lipids or oils and keratin that plug the dilated follicle. They are small, whitish papules with minute follicular openings that generally cannot be seen. These closed comedones may evolve into open comedones, in which the contents of the ducts are in open communication with the external environment. The color of open comedones (blackheads) results not from dirt, but from an accumulation of lipid, bacterial, and epithelial debris.

Treatments of Acne Vulgaris

Although the exact cause is unknown, some closed comedones may rupture, resulting in an inflammatory reaction caused by leakage of follicular contents (e.g., sebum, keratin, bacteria) into the dermis. This inflammatory response may result form the action of certain bacteria, such as proprionibacterium acnes, that live in the hair follicles and break down the triglycerides of the sebum into free fatty acids and glycerin. The resultant inflammation is seen clinically as erythematous papules, inflammatory pustules, and inflammatory cysts. Mild papules and cysts drain and heal on their own without treatment. Deeper papules and cysts may result in scarring of the skin. Acne is usually graded as mild, moderate, or severe, based on the number and type of lesions (e.g., comedones, papules, pustules, cysts).

Acne oftentimes leaves behind small scars in the skin. Acne has different types, according to its shape or form. Ice pick scars are described as deep pits shaped like inverted volcanoes. Box car scars, as the name imply, are shaped like boxes or angular shapes. Rolling scars appear like waves, while hypertrophic scars are keloid or thickened scars.

The goals of management of acne are to reduce bacterial colonies, decrease sebaceous gland activity, prevent the follicles from becoming plugged, reduce inflammation, combat secondary infection, minimize scarring, and eliminate factors that predispose the person to acne. The therapeutic regimen depends on the type of lesion.

There is no predictable cure for acne vulgaris, but combinations of therapies are available that can effectively control its activity.


Author is the webmaster of Acne Treatment. You might be interested in Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Treatment - the Whats, Whys, and Direction for Use and Acne Light Treatment - Light Therapy in Treating Acne.

Acne Vulgaris - the Causes and Treatments for Acne Vulgaris

Read through Acne Scar Solutions extra

Acne Scar Solutions



Acne is an embarrassing condition that causes millions of young people to feel self-conscious about their skin. Acne scarring is almost as embarrassing as actual pimples. Acne scarring is more likely to occur if you pick at your acne, irritating it and tearing the skin. Acne scars usually last for 4-12 months and then fade away as the old skin cells are sloshed off and new skin forms. This is not always the case however. Sometimes acne scars leave the skin indented or leave behind embarrassing red marks that won't fade. If this is the case, then you should consider seeking out acne scar solutions.

It is a good idea to wait the recommended 4-12 months before seeking out solutions for your scars because during this time your skin will be changing and trying to repair itself. Also, before you seek out acne scar solutions you should also try to get a handle on your current acne breakouts. If you continue to have acne then you continue to have acne scarring, therefore by first eliminating acne breakouts you will help to decrease the chance of more acne scarring.

There are various solutions out there for reducing or eliminating the appearance of acne scarring. One such treatment is a chemical peel. This acne scar solution works best with minor acne scarring as it peels away the outer layer of skin by using a combination of chemicals. While traditionally a dermatologist has performed this treatment, there are now at home chemical peel kits that you can do yourself. The at home versions are not quite as effective so for every one chemical peel with a dermatologist, plan on needing three at home treatments for comparable results.

Another solution for acne scarring is laser resurfacing. Unlike a chemical peel, a dermatologist must perform laser resurfacing. Instead of only removing the first layer of skin it removes several layers with the help of a high-energy light. This gives the skin a smoother appearance. This acne scar solution works great for more prominent acne scars and indentations in the skin.

If your acne scars are too deeply pitted, laser resurfacing may not do the job. Instead you should opt for a treatment known as punch excision or grafting. With this procedure the pits are removed with a surgical instrument called a punch. It closes the pit and then grafts the top layers of skin together for a smooth appearance. A chemical peel usually follows this procedure for those who also have embarrassing red marks that cannot be treated by the punch.

If your acne scars are only a few depressed regions throughout the face another possible acne scar solution is collagen injections. The collagen would be injected underneath the depressed area of the skin causing it to plump up to the level of the rest of your skin.

If you have embarrassing acne scars then don't hesitate, visit your dermatologist today to discuss acne scar solutions that may be right for you. If your acne scars are mild enough you may be able to treat your skin yourself with the help of a chemical peel.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Acne []

Examine Grandma Was Right - Apple Cider Vinegar Clears Acne extra


When you think of apple cider vinegar, you do not usually think of acne! However, many acne sufferers have found that apple cider vinegar is actually a really good natural, home treatment for their problem and there are a number of reasons for this.

Why Apple Cider Vinegar is good for Acne

Apple cider vinegar is known to improve the function of your liver, kidneys and bladder and that in turn helps to keep the body detoxified. When you think that acne is a problem which is often caused by the toxins within the body and the pores becoming blocked, it is not hard to see why apple cider vinegar might be able to help.

Apple cider vinegar is also packed full of vitamins which help to keep the body healthy and this is another reason why it is so good for you. So just how do you take apple cider vinegar?

How to Take Apple Cider Vinegar

There are a number of ways in which you can take apple cider vinegar and the main one is to drink it. Now it can be fairly nasty if you drink it on its own so many people prefer to mix it with a drink. Mixing it with honey and green tea which is also excellent for acne problems, you should start by drinking it once per day.

Some people swear by drinking three lots of apple cider vinegar every day and applying it directly to the acne once per day. This is obviously a lot of hassle but the people who have tried it have said how well it actually works. The apple cider vinegar which is applied directly to the problem is said to dry up the pimples and they start to disappear over a short period of time. However, drinking the apple cider vinegar alone is the best option as it works perfectly fine in its own time without you needing to apply it directly onto the skin.

The trouble also with applying apple cider vinegar directly to the face, is that it could easily dry it out and leave you with dry skin as well as acne. So always stick to drinking the vinegar and you should really start to notice changes in your skin within three weeks.

Organic Versus Ordinary Apple Cider Vinegar

When it comes to purchasing apple cider vinegar, it would be a good idea to purchase organic over ordinary. This is because whilst it may be more expensive, organic apple cider vinegar is a lot better for the skin as it contains only natural ingredients. Ordinary apple cider vinegar on the other hand, contains quite a lot of chemicals which can harm the skin.

Obviously you do not want to risk harming the skin, as that could in turn inflame your acne problem. So sticking to organic would be simpler all around.

Overall apple cider vinegar is an excellent natural treatment for acne, though not many people have heard of it. Simply add a tablespoon of the vinegar into your morning and evening routine and you should start to notice results within three weeks.

Using apple cider vinegar is just one of many ways you can get rid of acne. To get more tips on what really works go to my get rid of acne blog where you'll get all kinds of free advice for getting rid acne.

Grandma Was Right - Apple Cider Vinegar Clears Acne

Understand Acne Holes - How to Remove Them For Good far more

Acne Holes - How to Remove Them For Good


Acne holes are pits, craters or scars left over by the acne. While acne generally does not cause any scars, it is our irresistible temptation to pick or squeeze the pimples with our infected nails that does the damage. The situation can, thankfully, be redeemed by taking the following steps and you can get back your silky smooth skin once again.

1. Wash your face every night before you go to bed. Use exfoliating scrub when you take the bath. It will remove the top layers of your skin and help your skin cells to regenerate. You should also use toner and moisturizers after the bath. Your acne holes will gradually vanish.

2. Do not expose your skin to sun as it may further damage your acne holes. Always use broad spectrum sunscreen especially when going out in the sun as its rays may weaken your skin's ability to heal fast.

3. Use bleaching cream on your black looking acne holes. It will lighten their black colour and they will look like the skin around them.

4. Sometimes, simple home remedies work wonders. Dry the orange peel and grind into a paste by using a few drops of water. Apply this paste on the acne affected areas. Allow the paste to stay for some time before you wash it away. You may also try cucumber juice on your face. It is very likely to remove pigmentation marks and pimples.

5. If these home remedies do not work, it is better to consult a dermatologist about retinoid creams. They have vitamin A, which helps the skin to generate new cells. They replace the older damaged cells and repair the skin fast.

6. The dermatologist may apply chemical peels on the acne holes. The chemical peels burn away the top layer of the skin. When the burnt layer heals up, you get new skin without any holes.

7. You may also consider going for laser therapy, which burns away the upper layer of the damaged skin and the new skin appears once again. Laser therapy is rather an expensive and painful treatment.

There are several other ways to get rid of acne holes and get back that radiant gorgeous face. Click Here for more information on how to cure your acne without wasting money on expensive products.

Examine Acne Holes - How to Remove Them For Good additional


Acne holes are pits, craters or scars left over by the acne. While acne generally does not cause any scars, it is our irresistible temptation to pick or squeeze the pimples with our infected nails that does the damage. The situation can, thankfully, be redeemed by taking the following steps and you can get back your silky smooth skin once again.

1. Wash your face every night before you go to bed. Use exfoliating scrub when you take the bath. It will remove the top layers of your skin and help your skin cells to regenerate. You should also use toner and moisturizers after the bath. Your acne holes will gradually vanish.

2. Do not expose your skin to sun as it may further damage your acne holes. Always use broad spectrum sunscreen especially when going out in the sun as its rays may weaken your skin's ability to heal fast.

3. Use bleaching cream on your black looking acne holes. It will lighten their black colour and they will look like the skin around them.

4. Sometimes, simple home remedies work wonders. Dry the orange peel and grind into a paste by using a few drops of water. Apply this paste on the acne affected areas. Allow the paste to stay for some time before you wash it away. You may also try cucumber juice on your face. It is very likely to remove pigmentation marks and pimples.

5. If these home remedies do not work, it is better to consult a dermatologist about retinoid creams. They have vitamin A, which helps the skin to generate new cells. They replace the older damaged cells and repair the skin fast.

6. The dermatologist may apply chemical peels on the acne holes. The chemical peels burn away the top layer of the skin. When the burnt layer heals up, you get new skin without any holes.

7. You may also consider going for laser therapy, which burns away the upper layer of the damaged skin and the new skin appears once again. Laser therapy is rather an expensive and painful treatment.

There are several other ways to get rid of acne holes and get back that radiant gorgeous face. Click Here for more information on how to cure your acne without wasting money on expensive products.

Acne Holes - How to Remove Them For Good


Examine Acne Tips: Become Acne Free In Three Days additional

Acne Tips: Become Acne Free In Three Days


Let's go straight to the point. Someone who has acne calls himself ugly. And to be honest I don't like people with acne. Therefore I give you eight tips how to prevent acne, implant the tips and become acne free within a few days. The facts are not lying during the puberty more than 75% of the people are suffering with acne. It's time to do something about it. Therefore these acne tips. Don't read them use them and become acne free.

- Stop smoking

I know this is very hard, but if you want to suffer from acne you really need to quit smoking.
A study showed that acne is 62% more prevalent in active smokers than in non-smokers.
So quit smoking, I know it's hard.

- Drink a lot of water.

This is a very effective and easy way to suffer from acne. Drink a lot of water. I would suggest at least three litres a day.

- Take a shower with ice cold water.

Perhaps this is a little painful but don't wash yourself with warm water, always use cold water.

- Don't use to much cosmetic products.

A lot of cosmetic products contain fats. If you want to use cosmetic products use water based cosmetic products. And never forget to remove your acne before you go to bed.

- Don't squeeze your pimples.

Just don't squeeze your pimples. And if you really want do it. Make sure your hands are very clean and afterwards use a decontamination ointment.

- Clean your face

Of course cleaning your body is always an important thing to do. But when it comes to acne, cleaning your face is the most important thing. Wash your face at least two times a day. As read before don't use hot water. And make sure to use a soap without colour dyes.

- Stress

Perhaps you haven't supposed this but stress is directly related with acne. Be sure to not have stress. I give you two tips how to handle stress.
Set yourself realistic goals
Discuss your stress with someone you can trust. Cheap but effective.

- Go to a doctor.

This is a tips if you have really hard acne. With the help of the doctor you're allowed to buy much stronger products that works better. For most of these strong products you need a doctor's regulation.

As said before use this tip and also try to find out more other tips. If you do this you can become acne free within three days.

It's hard to suffer from acne however read my blog and find out how to remove acne within three days without spending money on products that just don't work.

Read Acne Program - Step 10 - Vitamins You Should Be Taking additional


Here are some of the vitamins and minerals you should be taking to help you get rid of acne.

* B6, 25 - 150 mg in a B vitamin complex
* B5 pantothenic acid, 500 - 1000 mg per day
* Vitamin A (water soluble), 50,000 IU - take just before meals. Taking more than 50,000 IU requires a Doctors approval
* Vitamin C, buffered 1000mg three time a day
* Vitamin E, 400 IU two times a day before meals for a total of 800 IU a day.

A word of caution: Do not take more than 50, 000 unit of vitamin A since it can be toxic at higher levels. If you experience any symptoms with 50,000 vitamin back off to 25,000 units.


Here are them most important minerals to take when you have acne.

* Calcium Hydroxyapatite Complex - a tablet after each meal.
* Chromium 200 - 500 ugm or micrograms a day
* Mineral electrolytes
* Zinc gluconate 25 - 60 mg a day (zinc is one of the most important nutrient to add to your diet) Zinc works to reduce the male sex hormone dihyrdrotestosterone (DHT), which in excess will produce acne. Do not take over 100 mg unless you consult with a Doctor.

Word of Caution: After you have gain relief from acne, you can discontinue the use of the above supplements and get back to your normal supplementation program. Continual use of high doses of vitamins and minerals will offset you natural body's chemical balance and is detrimental to your health in the long run.

Other Supplements

There are seven special supplements that you should consider taking that can help you get rid of acne and to improve your overall health. These supplements will improve your immune system and help to clear and prevent future acne. Look at these supplements and take the one or ones that you feel will give you the most health benefits.

* Oxygen Elements Plus
* Electrolyte Minerals
* Systemic Enzymes
* Digestive enzymes
* Flax Seed Oil
* Lecithin
* Chlorophyll and Lemon

Oxygen Elements Plus (only this nutrient is discussed in this article)

The skin needs plenty of oxygen to keep it clean and free of bacteria. Using a product like Oxygen Elements Plus gives you at least 10-20% more oxygen in your blood. Here's where to get Oxygen Plus. The plus in this product are added minerals and other nutrients.

Increasing the oxygen in your blood is now a necessity for normal health. Your body needs more oxygen than you presently get from the air you breathe so that your body functions normally.

The amount of oxygen you have in your body that is available to you cells is dependent on many things such as,

* Acid in the body
* Nonfood waste products
* Pathogens in the body

These three items, acid, nonfoods, and pathogens use up your oxygen. The oxygen that is left over is then used for your body's needs. So the more you have of these three items, the less oxygen you will have to supply your body's needs. This results in more toxins in the blood and can prevent you having an acne free face.


Here's a great free deal...go get a free copy of Top 67 Foods" for great skin then go get information on how to get rid of acne here: Acne Program

Acne Program - Step 10 - Vitamins You Should Be Taking


Read What Foods Cause Acne Breakouts? extra

The old adage, "you are what you eat" cannot be truer than when it comes to common causes of acne. Often individuals who do not consume a healthy diet or whose diet lacks the proper amount of critical vitamins and minerals suffer from acne problems.

Remember, you body must be healthy before your skin can be healthy, so strive to eat a well balanced diet, and dedicate yourself to an active lifestyle in order to enjoy unblemished, smooth, and glowing skin.

If you are experiencing skin problems, instead of treating your body's largest organ with harsh chemicals or taking medications that may interfere with your other prescriptions, look first at the nutrition value of your current diet. Work to improve your skin and protect yourself from acne by following these guidelines.

------>Banish Fats, Oils, and Sugars

Often times, consuming a diet high in fats, oils, and sugars can wreck havoc on an individual's skin. Just as these unsavory additions to your diet can cause other issues seen in your body, what you eat directly affects the quality of your skin.

Most people have experienced a break out after binging on junk food or fast food, most of which is high in fat, sugar, carbohydrates, and oils. In order to stop break outs associated with eating this unhealthy food, begin to replace these items in your diet with foods that are natural and healthy.

------>Avoid Popular Misconceptions

Many individuals are under the misconception that eating certain foods can cause or worsen their acne condition. The most popular food to blame for bad skin is undoubtedly chocolate. Chocolate lovers will take great pleasure in noting that no one

specific type of food--including chocolate--has been proven to cause or worsen acne in individuals. However, you should enjoy your chocolate sparingly, as your entire diet can definitely affect the quality of your skin's appearance, even though one

particular item may not be the trigger.

------>Try Organic Foods

When looking to change your diet for the better, take care in including fresh, wholesome foods into your new lifestyle. Many individuals have found great success in incorporating organic foods into their diet, since these items lack any added chemicals, preservatives, or potential toxins that can affect both your body and your skin.

Furthermore, structure your diet around fresh fruits and vegetables, most of which contain necessary vitamins that will positively affect your entire body. Also, you may want to avoid eating meat products high in fat, since fats can be quickly

be stored in your system, lasting long after that greasy burger has been digested.

------>Consider Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Many individuals do not receive the properly daily recommended dose of vitamins or minerals in their diet. For this reason, you should look into including supplements in your daily health regimen. Remember, before consuming any medications or supplements of any kind, be sure to consult your primary health care provider to ensure the dosage is proper and the medication will not negatively interact with your current prescriptions.

Too, you may want to find a solid multi-vitamin that is specified for your gender, age, or activity level. Be sure to look for supplements that include Vitamin E, a necessary vitamin when it comes to the health of your skin.

------>Hydrate Your Body

Unless you are drinking at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water each day, you are not hydrating your body to a healthy extend. Most individuals are not properly hydrated and their skin pays the price. If you find your skin is dull, ashy, flaky, itchy, or excessively dry, you are not drinking enough water to benefit your body.

Hydrated skin is fresh and glowing, so you should drink up to experience these great effects! Also, drinking the proper amount of water on a daily basis will also benefit your overall sense of health. Avoid drinking sodas or sugary sports drinks, since the added sodium and sugar can be detrimental to your healthy lifestyle.

By following the above guidelines for clear skin, you can actively work to maintain healthy looking skin that is free of acne. If you find yourself suffering from acne or other skin conditions, focus inward instead for a treatment of this problem instead of slathering your skin with potentially harmful creams or lotions that may cause more harm that good. By eating a

proper diet, you will ensure your skin is as healthy as you are.

Scott J. Patterson is the owner of Acne Care Information, a newsletter filled with fr*e acne advice and resources. To learn how you can conquer your acne and improve your self-esteem, check-out the following link:


Scott Patterson is the owner of Acne Care Information, a newsletter filled with fr*e acne advice and resources. To conquer your acne and improve your self-esteem, see the following link:

What Foods Cause Acne Breakouts?


Read through Acne Myths Exposed - The Truth About Sunshine more

In the years before now, one of the most common acne and skin care treatments suggested by doctors was the exposure of one's skin to the sun. This was thought to clear up acne, and the immediate improvements immediately following sun exposure seemed proof that the treatment worked. However, today's dermatologists, doctors, and skin care specialists are all in agreement - sun is not good for the skin, whether acne-prone or not. So why is the sun so harmful?

The basic story is this. The sun emits electromagnetic radiation, energy that reaches the earth in a variety of wavelengths. Certain wavelengths are visible to the human eye; others seem completely invisible. Ultraviolet (UV) rays are one wavelength category of electromagnetic energy that can't be seen by humans. UV rays have three general groupings, namely UVA, UVB, and UVC rays. All these rays can damage the skin, although UVA rays are the main concern. This is because 99% of the ultraviolet radiation that makes it through the ozone layer are of that wavelength group. Also, since UVA rays don't cause sunburn, it is very difficult to measure the amount of exposure an individual may receive.

Skin damage occurs when ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin, causing changes in the cells and potentially even mutating their DNA, a problem which can lead to cancer. People often think of suntans as indicative of controlled exposure, while believing that only sunburns (technically called erythema) are negative for their health. Many don't realize, however, that a suntan, like a sunburn, also indicates an injury to the skin. In fact, suntans can not be acquired without first damaging the epidermis. When UVB rays penetrate the epidermis, the skin reacts by stimulating melanin production to limit the depth of future radiation exposure. A suntan, therefore, is the skin's reaction to injury.

While the sun may be a temporary help for acne, the long-term picture is not so good. The sun is thought to kill acne-causing skin bacteria, and to blend in new acne scars and blemishes, however continued UV ray exposure actually increases the likelihood of clogged pores as a result of increased oil production and dead skin cell retention. For those with skin prone to acne, sun exposure can be a double-edged sword; they may be reluctant to use sunscreen to avoid adding grease to their face, but the unprotected exposure actually leads to more skin damage and likely more oil, so more clogged pores and acne.

Fortunately, several products have recently been developed that promise non-comedogenic effects, meaning that they have been proven to not cause acne. In addition to sunscreens, these include several moisturizers and even makeup products like foundation that include protection of up to SPF 15. SPF, of course, stands for Sun Protection Factor, and is a measure of how long a product protects the skin against sunburn when compared to how quickly the skin would burn without that protection. SPF 15 means that a person can stay in the sun for 15 times longer than they could without that protection, and without burning. So, for instance, if a person can spend only 10 minutes in the sun without burning, SPF 15 would extend that to 150 minutes, and SPF 30 would protect the skin for up to 300 minutes. This estimate, of course, depends on physical exertion and product exposure to water, both of which could mean that sunscreen needs to be re-applied more quickly.

For those with acne problems, sun exposure is not the idealized treatment it was thought to be. In addition to aging the skin and potentially causing skin cancer, the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun can actually increase sebum production and sun-damaged skin cells can block pores. Temporary acne relief may last for the first few days after sun exposure, but acne generally returns quickly, and sometimes more severely. Acne-prone skin, just like any skin, should be protected from UV damage by using oil-free products containing a good SPF of at least 15. Covering the skin with loose-fitting clothing, and shading the face with a hat can also protect the skin. The sun is wonderful, but enjoy it responsibly and be well-aware of the risks.


Author C. L. Jackson wishes the topic of acne was simply an academic interest... but unfortunately that's not the case! You'll find much more information on this topic at the author's website

Acne Myths Exposed - The Truth About Sunshine


Understand Sauna And Acne - Will It Help Clear It Up? extra

Sauna And Acne - Will It Help Clear It Up?


Acne is one of the most trying problems in a teenager's life, and they will often do whatever it takes to clear their face of the red bumps. There are a lot of acne treatments out there, but there are only a few that actually work. One acne solution that has been recommended on more than one occasion is sitting in a sauna for twenty or thirty minutes a day. This treatment has been pretty controversial over the years, with half of the acne sufferers saying that saunas make their acne worse, and the other half saying that they couldn't live without weekly trips to the sauna.

Acne is caused by dead skin cells that get trapped in the skin follicles, and sitting in a hot sauna is supposed to open up those skin follicles and allow the body to sweat out all of the acne causing debris. However, this doesn't always work like it is supposed to. Often times, once the skin has cooled, there is still sweat trapped in the follicles, and this makes the skin break out even more. If you want go to the sauna a few times a week, make sure you wash your face with a gentle cleanser to get rid of that sweat before it gets trapped in your skin follicles and becomes a problem.

Some acne sufferers still complain that their condition worsens after sauna use, even after carefully washing their faces afterwards. What these and a lot of other people don't know is that there are two different kinds of saunas. There are some people who find success with the well known steam sauna, but for those who find that the steam just makes things worse, the newer, infrared heat sauna may be the cure they are looking for.

Steam saunas basically heat up your body by raising the room temperature with steam and heat. This can make the sauna a little unbearable, and many people can barely take too much of it at one sitting. The infrared saunas use the tested and proven safe infrared heat rays that penetrate the body without the unbearable temperatures of the conventional steam sauna. Do not confuse infrared heat rays with ultra violet rays. The infrared heat is one hundred percent safe for your body, and it is also very beneficial to your health in more ways than one.

The infrared heat works wonders for your skin, and just a few minutes, a few times a week will help to clear up your acne. The infrared heat will also minimize scarring that can be left on your face from acne. Saunas can definitely help clear up your acne; but you have to make sure you go to right kind of sauna! Also, always remember to wash your face with a gentle cleanser after any sauna time. Even when you choose to go to a sauna that uses infrared heat, it will not do you any good unless you wash your face afterwards.

Improve your health and enhance your home with a Finnish sauna Whether you are building your own home sauna or steambath, or are looking for a pre-fab or infrared sauna, we will take care of your entire sauna and steambath needs.

Understand Acne - Treat It With Azelaic Acid a lot more

Acne - Treat It With Azelaic Acid


You will not find anybody who ever loved acne except doctors who get money by treating it. Acne is not a life threatening disease but it can make life very bad. It may destroy a person psychologically. Look for somebody whose face is full of spots and talk to them. You will know the pain that person undergoes. Relationships are not formed, careers are spoiled and life becomes unbearable for the person who suffers from case of bad infected acne. What is the way out?

Many medications are available to treat acne. The problem is not that medication is not available. The problem is that one who suffers acne wants immediate treatment. No medication gives immediate result. Therefore people rapidly change the medication . They further spoil the acne with that. The need is - treat acne at mild and/or moderate stage with a proven medication and be patient. Azelaic Acid is one such medication.

What is the effect of Azelaic Acid?

You get cream and gel formulated with Azelaic Acid. Azelaic Acid treats acne in two ways. It kills the bacteria P. acnes and it regularizes the excess shedding of skin cells that block the gland opening and cause acne. With these two actions, Azelaic Acid treats infected acne and stops further acne formation by opening the pores. Once the pores are opened, the sebum flows out and acne does not form.

Acne- Causes Of acne-

Acne forms at the opening of the sebaceous glands that have hair follicle in them. In normal circumstances, the cells that form the wall of the gland exfoliate from the pore opening. In case of an acne patient, these cells become dysfunctional and instead of exfoliating normally, block the pore opening. As soon as the opening is blocked, the sebum starts filling in the gland and the bacteria P. acnes infects it. If acne is not stopped at this stage, the infection spreads deeper in the skin and causes scars. This stage is called- cysts and nodules. Azelaic Acid stops acne at the moderate stage itself and helps prevent acne becoming aggressive. Azelaic Acid is a proven medication for acne.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

For more information about how to have good skin that looks young and blemish free , please visit- . This site is dedicated to make you look good. For keeping yourself looking good find out more about the acne that causes damage to our skin. To treat acne scars please visit

Go through Quick Fix - Acne - Natural Remedies For Acne additional

Acne sufferers know how painful it is to suffer from acne and how it can affect us physically and emotionally. Many people are looking for the quick fix acne remedies to help them get rid of their acne fast. These remedies usually include using acne creams and products that you can easily find in the market. However, these products do not provide the results that we desire. The media have exaggerated their effectiveness and most people still suffer from acne even though they had used these products.

I had tried tons of acne products before giving up on them. I thought that the acne products are quick fix that can help to get rid of my acne fast and permanently. However, after years of trying different products, I finally gave up. I turned to holistic acne treatments and find that the methods used are much more effective.

Acne creams in the market are not able to cure acne because they do not treat the causes of acne. The products are only dealing with the symptoms of acne by killing the bacteria or getting rid of the excess dead skin cells. They failed to address the problems that cause these factors to occur in the first place.

The only quick fix acne remedies are using holistic methods that aim to get rid of the causes of acne. These methods include making changes to your diet and detoxing your body. Diet plays a huge role in treating acne naturally. Our modern day diet is full of junk foods that can cause hormonal irregularities and bad health.

You should reduce or stop your intake of sugar for a period. Eating foods that have high sugar content can lead to many problems. When you eat high sugar content foods, you will have excess sugar in your body and your body will produce insulin to get rid of the sugar. However, the presence of insulin can increase your skin cells turnover rate, which can make your pores vulnerable to clogging.

Your body will also produce androgen, which is a type of male hormones to help bring your blood sugar back to normal. This hormone can cause your oil glands to become overly active and cause your skin to become much oilier than usual. When you have more dead skin cells on your oily skin surface, you are more prone to acne breakouts.

The first quick fix acne remedy that I would recommend is to replace the high sugar content foods with natural foods like fruits, vegetables and nuts. These whole and natural foods will not cause your body to experience a spike in sugar level. These foods also contain essential nutrients that your body needs to perform optimally.

You should also start a detox or cleansing plan to help eliminate the toxins in the body. We have been eating too many foods that contain preservatives and additives. These are toxins that can be stuck in the body and cause your body function to become sluggish. Performing a detox can help to get rid of this problem.


Next, learn more about the complete holistic fast acne treatment which you can use to help cure your acne permanently.

Joseph is a past acne sufferer and he discovered the unique 5 steps holistic acne cure methods that helped him to cure his acne in just a few days time. Visit Acne Healing Blog to learn how to cure your acne fast and naturally.

Quick Fix - Acne - Natural Remedies For Acne


Go through How Do Chemical Peels Work To Remove Acne Scars? extra

How Do Chemical Peels Work To Remove Acne Scars?


Chemical peels are supposed to be the very best choice for the treatment of acne scars and it is becoming more popular, as these treatments seem to be efficient at treating acne with very little complications. What a chemical peel does is it removes the top layer of the affected skin leaving the bottom layer of fresh unaffected skin exposed. Before considering using chemical peels as an acne treatment you should seek the advice of a trained cosmetic surgeon who is experienced in this field. The surgeon will be able to determine if you are a suitable candidate for chemical peels for acne after he has studied your skin color, how oily your skin is and how severe your acne condition is. It is believed that people who have superficial acne or acne scars alone, are the best suited for this type of treatment.

Two of the mildest forms of peels for acne are Alphahydroxy acids and Betahydroxy acids. Lighter chemical peels for acne do not require much recovery time, although it is normal for people to experience slight redness and irritation and may also experience some crusting which will eventually subside as the body adjusts to the treatment. These lighter treatments are usually repeated every six weeks. Chemical peels for acne may also include salicylic acid, which is very effective in the treatment of acne. Chemical Peels for acne are not recommended for people who have severe and very active acne or those who are pregnant.

Stronger chemical peels for acne, which include trichloroacetic acid and phenol treatments, penetrate deeper layers of skin and last longer than the lighter treatments, although the recovery times is generally longer and these strong peels for acne are sometimes associated with greater risks such as side effects and increased sensitivity to sunlight. Due to certain limitations in not all types of acne conditions can be treated effectively with this type of treatment.

Another type is the TCA peel, which is ideal not only for the removal of acne scars, but also for removing shallow tattoos and age spots and is also recommended for large pores. It helps remove the layers of dead skin that can cause acne infection to get blocked and releases the impurities allowing the skin to heal with a much healthier look. TCA peel also help increase the blood flow and circulation, which in turn stimulates your skin cells allowing them to rejuvenate and build up collagen and elastic fibers which strengthen the skin.

For more helpful tips and resources on acne visit Ashe Skin Care Products a website offering tips, advice and resources on topics such as acne problems, how to get rid of acne scars, aloe vera, and more.

Examine Acne Before Menstrual Period - Why It Happens extra

Acne Before Menstrual Period - Why It Happens


By the time a woman reaches her early teens, she can usually tell when it is coming. It takes only a few times of completing the cycle to be able to learn how your body reacts and responds to that infamous monthly visitor, the period or menstrual cycle. Besides the bloating, cramping, mood swings, and crabbiness, many women suffer from acne before menstrual period.

Acne is a normal problem encountered by nearly all teenagers, but acne before menstrual period can increase the occurrence for teenage girls. Moreover, this problem can continue long into adulthood, causing pimples well into women's 30's.

There are many different treatments that will help with this problem. Some work better than others and some can be combined to dramatically decrease the amount of appearing acne before menstrual period. These can include medications, lotions, facial scrubs, and even a special acne diet.

Most medications for acne are available only by prescription. These can include oral medicines that are taken daily or medicated lotions that are rubbed into the skin. Over-the-counter types of prevention include facial and body scrubs to keep the skin clean and free of some bacterias that help increase acne.

Lotion type medications are often too expensive to be used before menstrual period because such acne occurs on so many parts of the body (including the face, neck, back, chests and shoulders). Additionally, many women worry about the side effects of oral medicines, which causes many to turn to an anti-acne diet.

This kind of diet will help you to avoid foods that contain hormones associated with acne, as well as other types of acne causing food. Sugar, for example, has been shown to have the potential to greatly increase instances and severity of acne.

In addition, the hormones in milk can also lead to an increase in acne production. In fact, any food with hormones in it (these include milk, and most animal products as farmers use hormones to boost their production) can cause an increase. Lastly, adding fish to your diet can help decrease your acne. Most fish has very important omega-3 oils that make your skin healthier.

The Acne Help Page is an online knowledge base covering everything related to acne. Here you can find information on the causes of acne to common treatment options and formulating your own acne diet [] Read other's experiences regarding acne before menstrual period [] at the treatment results page.

Read Quick Fix - Acne - Natural Remedies For Acne extra


Acne sufferers know how painful it is to suffer from acne and how it can affect us physically and emotionally. Many people are looking for the quick fix acne remedies to help them get rid of their acne fast. These remedies usually include using acne creams and products that you can easily find in the market. However, these products do not provide the results that we desire. The media have exaggerated their effectiveness and most people still suffer from acne even though they had used these products.

I had tried tons of acne products before giving up on them. I thought that the acne products are quick fix that can help to get rid of my acne fast and permanently. However, after years of trying different products, I finally gave up. I turned to holistic acne treatments and find that the methods used are much more effective.

Acne creams in the market are not able to cure acne because they do not treat the causes of acne. The products are only dealing with the symptoms of acne by killing the bacteria or getting rid of the excess dead skin cells. They failed to address the problems that cause these factors to occur in the first place.

The only quick fix acne remedies are using holistic methods that aim to get rid of the causes of acne. These methods include making changes to your diet and detoxing your body. Diet plays a huge role in treating acne naturally. Our modern day diet is full of junk foods that can cause hormonal irregularities and bad health.

You should reduce or stop your intake of sugar for a period. Eating foods that have high sugar content can lead to many problems. When you eat high sugar content foods, you will have excess sugar in your body and your body will produce insulin to get rid of the sugar. However, the presence of insulin can increase your skin cells turnover rate, which can make your pores vulnerable to clogging.

Your body will also produce androgen, which is a type of male hormones to help bring your blood sugar back to normal. This hormone can cause your oil glands to become overly active and cause your skin to become much oilier than usual. When you have more dead skin cells on your oily skin surface, you are more prone to acne breakouts.

The first quick fix acne remedy that I would recommend is to replace the high sugar content foods with natural foods like fruits, vegetables and nuts. These whole and natural foods will not cause your body to experience a spike in sugar level. These foods also contain essential nutrients that your body needs to perform optimally.

You should also start a detox or cleansing plan to help eliminate the toxins in the body. We have been eating too many foods that contain preservatives and additives. These are toxins that can be stuck in the body and cause your body function to become sluggish. Performing a detox can help to get rid of this problem.

Next, learn more about the complete holistic fast acne treatment which you can use to help cure your acne permanently.

Joseph is a past acne sufferer and he discovered the unique 5 steps holistic acne cure methods that helped him to cure his acne in just a few days time. Visit Acne Healing Blog to learn how to cure your acne fast and naturally.

Quick Fix - Acne - Natural Remedies For Acne


Read through Is Laser Surgery Recommended For Your Acne? extra

Acne laser surgery has gained in popularity, as many suffers are prepared to take drastic action to fight back against acne. Even though it can work wonders acne laser surgery should only be considered for use in extreme cases, when it is really necessary as a last resort. While it is often considered a beauty treatment, it is real, serious surgery and, as such, should not be used without careful consideration.

How does it work?

The procedure must only be administered by a trained doctor. A dermatologist may use acne laser surgery in the most severe acne cases to dig to the very core of a pimple and clear it completely. The laser device is designed so that it is weak enough not to cause any additional damage beyond the area being treated. Most experts consider this laser surgery very safe, but as with any surgery there is always at least a small opportunity for unexpected consequences.

Are there any problems with acne laser surgery?

Every responsible doctor will council that acne laser surgery is by no means a perfect and universal solution. There are several important factors that limit the surgery's usefulness.

1. The causes of acne

Laser surgery concentrates only on one aspect of the disease - its visible effects. While the surgery can surely get rid of acne's visible symptoms, it can not really heal. The laser surgery should be only a part of more complex acne treatment program that will consist of a change of diet, reducing stress levels and possibly even hormonal treatment. Otherwise the symptoms will sooner or later appear once again.

2. Doctors' only

Another possible problem is the surgeon's skill (or lack of it. Be sure you're going to get your acne laser surgery from a trained and experienced doctor. There have been reports of cosmetologists giving an acne light treatment without the proper training. Laser surgery is not the place to try and save money. You will get the best chance for success with an experienced dermatologists doing the work.

3. The cost

Acne laser surgery is in a mid-point between cosmetics and health care. Some health insurance policies may cover it, some may not. Most insurance companies pay for acne laser surgery only in most extreme cases. Whatever you might think about the severity of your acne, it is wise to make sure that you insurance company agrees with you. Otherwise you may find laser surgery costing more than you planned.

4. Preparations

Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that you have to seriously prepare for the treatment. In some cases laser surgery is serious enough that you must spend a few days in a bed after the procedure. Can you afford to be away from work for those days... and will you employer agree to your absence?

If course you should consider laser surgery if your acne is severe and has not responded to other treatment. Just don't rush in to it without careful thought and preparation.

Mark Walters advises those suffering from acne and other skin conditions online at

Is Laser Surgery Recommended For Your Acne?


Examine Acne Treatment - What Is Sebum? far more

Acne Treatment - What Is Sebum?



Sebum is part of the oil that is found on the surface of the skin. Other ingredients of the oil on the skin are- sweat, lipids and environmental dirt. It is sebum, which contributes a lot to our body odor. Sebum itself is odorless but its bacterial disintegration produces odor. That is why if you keep your skin clean of bacteria with anti bacterial soaps regularly, you can reduce body odor to a great extent. Sebum reaches hair follicles
and coats the hair and also reaches the skin through the hair follicles. Many people experience oily hair if hair is left unwashed for few days. That happens because of sebum. The Latin meaning of sebum is fat.

How sebum is produced- sebum is produced by sebaceous glands. These glands are found on most parts of the body. Except few, most sebaceous glands open into a hair follicle. These are the sites of acne formation.

What does sebum do- sebum protects skin from bacterial infection. Sebum also reduces the natural water loss of body from the skin. Increased sebum production can cause acne.

Sebum production- sebum production decreases with age. Particularly in women it reduces after menopause. Adult females produce less sebum than men. Sebum production may experience jump at the time of puberty in men.

There are some common theories about sebum. Some people believe that drying excess sebum with blotting oils will reduce sebum production. Some believe that if you use products supposed to control oil production that will increase sebum production. Both are wrong conclusions. Drying excess oil will only remove surface oil. And using oil control products will not increase sebum production. Sebum is required to protect our skin, but increased production of sebum leads to oily skin and frequent acne flare-ups.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

The author C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit for more information about how to have good skin. You can read articles, advice and ideas at on love, dating, marriage, relationships, break-ups, etc. You can use free love and romance ecards from to send your love messages to your darling.

Examine Acne - Home Remedies For Acne much more

Acne is a skin condition which has plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), inflamed pimples (pustules), and deeper lumps (nodules). Acne occurs on the face, as well as the neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms. Although most teenagers get some form of acne, adults in their 20's, 30's, 40's, or even older, can develop acne. Often, acne clears up after several years, even without treatment. Acne can be disfiguring and upsetting to the patient. Untreated acne can leave permanent scars; these may be treated by your dermatologist in the future. To avoid acne scarring, treating acne is important.

No one knows exactly what causes acne. Hormone changes, such as those during the teenage years and pregnancy, probably play a role. There are many myths about what causes acne. Chocolate and greasy foods are often blamed, but there is little evidence that foods have much effect on acne in most people. Another common myth is that dirty skin causes acne; however, blackheads and pimples are not caused by dirt. Stress doesn't cause acne, but stress can make it worse.

Home Remedies for Acne

Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball, leave for half an hour and wash. Repeat for 15-20 days.

Mix lemon juice with rose water. One lemon with same proportion of rose water will do. Apply it on your face and rinse it only after 30 mins. Constantly doing so will not only get rid of acne and pimples, but it also has the effect of lightening the skin blemishes.

Mix 1 tablespoon of sour cream ( 0% fat for oily face), 1 tablespoon of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of grind oatmeal and 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Apply on face, leave for 10 minutes and wash off.

Use a mask base powder, such as fuller's earth or kaolin powder. Use distilled or filtered water to make a paste. Mix 1 heaped teaspoon of base powder to 3 drops of essential oil. Add approximately 2 tablespoons of the water in, to make a fluid yet balanced paste.

Cleaning your face by washing it in warm salty water will leave it oil-free without aggravating the acne. Cotton dipped in rose water maybe used for cleaning the skin and to remove the makeup, especially the oil-based one, since it's responsible for acne outbreaks.

Zinc may also interfere with the absorption of magnesium and iron from food and supplements. It can interfere with the absorption of tetracycline and fluoroquinolone antibiotics and penicillamine. There is also some concern that a particular diuretic, amiloride, can reduce zinc excretion and lead to a toxic build-up in the body.

Try not to touch your face. It causes trauma to acne, just like picking pimples does. Tight sweatbands and chin straps from baseball caps and sports equipment can have the same effect.

Apply lime juice and rose water on the acne affected area and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash your face profusely with lukewarm water to get perfect cure for acne.

Make a paste of 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply it on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks for permanently clearing acne.

Tomato can also be used for the treatment of blackheads and to open the pores of the skin. Cut the tomato and rub it on the skin. Leave on for fifteen minutes. Wash it off with water. This will reduce open pores and blackheads. This treatment is good particularly for oily skin.


Read about Herbal Treatment Natural Remedies Cures. Also read about Breast Enhancement and Breast Enlargement and Health Questions Answers Discussion Forum

Acne - Home Remedies For Acne


Read Acne- Does Rubbing Alcohol Help? far more

Recently I cam across a question about acne. Someone wanted to know if rubbing alcohol would cure acne. Such ideas about acne are widespread. It is not only rubbing alcohol, but also whites of eggs, toothpaste, tanning and other miracle cures for acne. Let us find out if rubbing alcohol will help.

Acne- why it forms?

Once you understand why acne forms, you can decide what will help. Because of hormonal changes in the body, the sebaceous glands that are always open start getting blocked. Because of this block the sebum that is produced by the glands gets accumulated inside the gland. This is the beginning of acne. If the gland were open the sebum would have gone out on the skin. We now have a gland that is everyday getting bigger with more sebum. The bacteria P.acnes loves this sebum and begins multiplying in the gland. This infects the gland. Now we have a gland that is full of sebum, dead cells and bacteria. The body sends white cells to fight the bacteria. So pus also gets inside the gland. This inflating gland that is called a pimple, bursts when it can no more hold the matter inside. You land up with acne scar.

Acne- treatment

the acne treatment is directed towards keeping the gland open, reducing sebum production, and killing the multiplying bacteria. If one can take steps to treat all these three issues the acne will get cured. Rubbing alcohol will only kill any bacteria that are present on the skin. It will not help in keeping the gland open or reducing the sebum production. It is also doubtful about how much alcohol will reach inside the acne and kill the bacteria there. It is therefore not advised to try treating acne with rubbing alcohol. is a comprehensive guide for acne and other skin conditions. You will find all the information, articles and tips on skin diseases and conditions, skin treatments and procedures, skin care, skin care products, etc. You will also find information about hair and nails diseases, treatments and prevention. You can try out some of the unique skin and health quizzes, to learn more about various skin, hair and nail conditions. Popular topics on the site include acne, dermatitis, cellulite, melasma, vitiligo, scars, stretch marks, collagen, laser resurfacing, sunscreens, etc. If you love solving quizzes, Funquizcards has many quizzes on different topics such as personality, love, dating, career etc.

Acne- Does Rubbing Alcohol Help?


Read Acne - Reduce and Even Get Rid of Acne Scars and Pits extra

People develop acne pits (toothpick sized indentations) in their face when an infected pustule or they have had a prolonged bout with cystic acne. These not only only lower one's self-esteem, due to them being immediately noticeable, but they also lead to more skin damage.

Natural Remedies

In general, individuals commonly try at home products since they do not cost very much. Most treatments are items you already have in your home, like, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, or milk. Using these products will help you to exfoliate your skin as thy all feature milk acidic properties. The improvements will not be so dramatic and could take a longer time than if you had went to see a cosmetic dermatologist.

Drugstore Remedies
Drug treatments sold in stores for acne pitting are normally advertised as acne scar treatment. These could be categorized as being more effective and more costly than using personal home natural food remedies topically. Even so, they are not as expensive and not as effective when compared to multiple treatments provided by a cosmetic dermatologist. The well-known brand names and products usually include Glycolic acid which helps prevent and reduce the likelihood of pits. Other choices may include over-the counter dermal fillers which are not a treatment; they are simply a cosmetic filler, so once you stop using it your skin will return to its normal state

Cosmetic Dermatologist Services
Acne scar treatments provided by a dermatologist yield the best long term results and solutions. Although, they are the most expensive method to treat acne pitting, it is the most favored. The treatments you will need may involve laser skin resurfacing, in which the dead skin cells are taken off to reduce the appearance of scars; dermabrasion; whereby the skin is reduced to level the skin off with the pit; scar excisions, the scar tissue is removed and the adjacent tissue is combined; or grafting, a process where the pitted skin is taken off using a punch and substituted with healthier skin.


Visit the Florida Laser Acne Scar Treatment, for the various procedures, a consultation and questions for skin rejuvenation in Palm Beach, FL.

Acne - Reduce and Even Get Rid of Acne Scars and Pits


Study Acne- Does Rubbing Alcohol Help? much more


Recently I cam across a question about acne. Someone wanted to know if rubbing alcohol would cure acne. Such ideas about acne are widespread. It is not only rubbing alcohol, but also whites of eggs, toothpaste, tanning and other miracle cures for acne. Let us find out if rubbing alcohol will help.

Acne- why it forms?

Once you understand why acne forms, you can decide what will help. Because of hormonal changes in the body, the sebaceous glands that are always open start getting blocked. Because of this block the sebum that is produced by the glands gets accumulated inside the gland. This is the beginning of acne. If the gland were open the sebum would have gone out on the skin. We now have a gland that is everyday getting bigger with more sebum. The bacteria P.acnes loves this sebum and begins multiplying in the gland. This infects the gland. Now we have a gland that is full of sebum, dead cells and bacteria. The body sends white cells to fight the bacteria. So pus also gets inside the gland. This inflating gland that is called a pimple, bursts when it can no more hold the matter inside. You land up with acne scar.

Acne- treatment

the acne treatment is directed towards keeping the gland open, reducing sebum production, and killing the multiplying bacteria. If one can take steps to treat all these three issues the acne will get cured. Rubbing alcohol will only kill any bacteria that are present on the skin. It will not help in keeping the gland open or reducing the sebum production. It is also doubtful about how much alcohol will reach inside the acne and kill the bacteria there. It is therefore not advised to try treating acne with rubbing alcohol. is a comprehensive guide for acne and other skin conditions. You will find all the information, articles and tips on skin diseases and conditions, skin treatments and procedures, skin care, skin care products, etc. You will also find information about hair and nails diseases, treatments and prevention. You can try out some of the unique skin and health quizzes, to learn more about various skin, hair and nail conditions. Popular topics on the site include acne, dermatitis, cellulite, melasma, vitiligo, scars, stretch marks, collagen, laser resurfacing, sunscreens, etc. If you love solving quizzes, Funquizcards has many quizzes on different topics such as personality, love, dating, career etc.

Acne- Does Rubbing Alcohol Help?

Understand Sauna And Acne - Will It Help Clear It Up? additional


Acne is one of the most trying problems in a teenager's life, and they will often do whatever it takes to clear their face of the red bumps. There are a lot of acne treatments out there, but there are only a few that actually work. One acne solution that has been recommended on more than one occasion is sitting in a sauna for twenty or thirty minutes a day. This treatment has been pretty controversial over the years, with half of the acne sufferers saying that saunas make their acne worse, and the other half saying that they couldn't live without weekly trips to the sauna.

Acne is caused by dead skin cells that get trapped in the skin follicles, and sitting in a hot sauna is supposed to open up those skin follicles and allow the body to sweat out all of the acne causing debris. However, this doesn't always work like it is supposed to. Often times, once the skin has cooled, there is still sweat trapped in the follicles, and this makes the skin break out even more. If you want go to the sauna a few times a week, make sure you wash your face with a gentle cleanser to get rid of that sweat before it gets trapped in your skin follicles and becomes a problem.

Some acne sufferers still complain that their condition worsens after sauna use, even after carefully washing their faces afterwards. What these and a lot of other people don't know is that there are two different kinds of saunas. There are some people who find success with the well known steam sauna, but for those who find that the steam just makes things worse, the newer, infrared heat sauna may be the cure they are looking for.

Steam saunas basically heat up your body by raising the room temperature with steam and heat. This can make the sauna a little unbearable, and many people can barely take too much of it at one sitting. The infrared saunas use the tested and proven safe infrared heat rays that penetrate the body without the unbearable temperatures of the conventional steam sauna. Do not confuse infrared heat rays with ultra violet rays. The infrared heat is one hundred percent safe for your body, and it is also very beneficial to your health in more ways than one.

The infrared heat works wonders for your skin, and just a few minutes, a few times a week will help to clear up your acne. The infrared heat will also minimize scarring that can be left on your face from acne. Saunas can definitely help clear up your acne; but you have to make sure you go to right kind of sauna! Also, always remember to wash your face with a gentle cleanser after any sauna time. Even when you choose to go to a sauna that uses infrared heat, it will not do you any good unless you wash your face afterwards.

Improve your health and enhance your home with a Finnish sauna Whether you are building your own home sauna or steambath, or are looking for a pre-fab or infrared sauna, we will take care of your entire sauna and steambath needs.

Sauna And Acne - Will It Help Clear It Up?

Study Stop Squeezing Your Pimples - 7 Safe Ways to Get Rid of Pimples far more

Stop Squeezing Your Pimples - 7 Safe Ways to Get Rid of Pimples



It's everyone's worst nightmare. Waking up the day before a
special event to discover a big, red pimple baring itself for all
to see right on your face!

Here's how to get rid of it quickly and safely:

1. Don't ever pinch, squeeze or pick at a pimple. This only
causes it to become more red and inflamed, and will spread the
bacteria and oils that caused it in the first place, to other
parts of your face! It can also lead to scars.

2. Every 30 minutes, apply an ice pack to the pimple and hold it
there for about 2 minutes. This will decrease the swelling and
redness and help shrink the inflammation and pain that sometimes
comes along with it.

3. They don't call it concealer for nothing! Covering the pimple
with a light dose of flesh-tinted concealer can help mask it when
you're in a hurry. It also helps cover up that oily shine.

4. Cleanse your skin 2-3 times a day with mild, unscented soap or
a specialized acne cleanser that has no harsh chemicals (such as
lye). Scrub skin gently with an exfoliating pad or washcloth, but
don't rub too hard, otherwise you'll sap your skin of its own
natural oils, which help to repel buildup naturally.

5. Apply a cream or ointment containing benzyl peroxide or
salicylic acid (many over-the-counter acne medicines contain
these ingredients) to the blemish or around the entire facial
area. Note that these ingredients both have a tendency to dry
out skin if used too much and are not recommended if you have
sensitive skin.

6. Wear oil-free makeup whenever possible. These types have less
of a tendency to cause the pore buildup that results in
blemishes. Remove your makeup nightly and cleanse with an
acne-fighting medicine to remove dirt, oil and makeup from deep
within the skin.

7. If you're in need of a quick fix, a dab of toothpaste on the
affected area right before bed can help soothe irritation and
reduce redness. Pressing and holding a wet tea bag or a cotton
ball with a dab of lemon juice against the blemish for five
minutes can also reduce swelling and redness.

If you follow these tips, chances are you'll notice a significant
difference rather quickly - often within a day or two. If
pimples become a recurring problem or worsen, your doctor or
dermatologist can suggest a daily skin cleansing routine that
will suit your skin type. Other long-term remedies, such as
facial masks, diet adjustments and increasing the amount of water
you drink can also help combat outbreaks.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.

Emily Clark writes articles on a wide range of health and lifestyle topics. She has an excellent selection of tips about wheel chairs cushions [] posted on her blog and if you need information on pride wheelchairs [] then this is an article you should not miss.

Read through Acne Secrets more

In the past, acne was assumed to be a problem only teenagers face. Something you'd outgrow once you reach adulthood.
The problem is, not everyone outgrows acne. Adult acne is a lot more common than one might think.

What causes acne?

Acne could be due to hormonal factors. The way your skin reacts to testosterone
could be the reason behind the acne you are facing. Though testosterone is a
male hormone, women's bodies too manufacture testosterone, though much less than
in men.

How pimples begin

First, the skin becomes very oily due to the stimulation of oil glands by
testosterone. Sebum sticks to the walls of pores and act as a glue that traps bacteria with it.
That's where the problem begins. The pore gets clogged and the opening gets
plugged up.  Bacteria multiplies in the pore.

Now your immune system kicks in, fighting the bacteria. The pore gets inflamed
and a pimple is born.

Care for pimple prone skin.

That pimple came from a clogged pore and bacteria. To get rid of it, unclog
the pore and kill the bacteria.

How To Get Rid Of That Pimple [] - To unclog pores, many skincare products use
salicylic acid or AHAs to exfoliate the skin and unclog the pores. In fact many
acne skin care in pharmacies use salicylic acid to clear the skin. To kill
bacteria, many drugstore preparations use benzoyl peroxide to force oxygen into
the pores. The bacteria that causes acne cannot live in such an oxygen rich
environment, hence the bacteria dies and your pimple heals.

Make sure you use products suitable for acne prone skin. Skincare that's too rich can start another acne outbreak.

The writer is the webmaster of

You'll find reviews of various skin care products tested on someone with acne prone skin at [][]

Acne Secrets


Read Acne Scars And Chemical Peeling much more


Acne Scars can be easily removed with Chemical peeling. this method has been used since years for not only removing acne scars but also other skin blemishes and discolorations. With Chemical peeling doctors remove the layers of skin with chemicals. With the new skin forming the earlier blemishes disappear. Let us find out about how acne scars are treated with chemical peeling.

Acne scars- Keloids:

Keloids cannot be generally removed with peeling. Keloid type scars form in some individuals. Keloids are skin growths that are full of collagen and look very unsightly. Whenever a person who forms keloids gets any injury the scars form keloids. No doctor generally tries to remove keloids because the scar healing may form more of them.

Ice pick and saucer type acne scars-

Other acne scars are normally ice pick type and saucer type. These scars can be easily treated with chemical peeling. Your doctor will assess the depth of the scar and try to remove skin up to that level. As the new skin will form there will be little scarring left. For chemical peeling, the doctors apply a chemical on the site and the chemical peels away the skin in a controlled manner over sometime. Redness and swelling may result with deep peeling. The skin heals over about ten days and new skin forms. Learn more about Chemical Peeling and If you have acne scars, please find out with your doctor about the possibility of removing them with chemical peeling.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

The author C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have good skin that looks young and blemish free , please visit- . You will also find solutions to wrinkles, scars, facial rejuvenation, latest laser treatments, skin blemishes and spots, hair care and hair loss and about keeping healthy nails. This site is dedicated to make you look good. For keeping yourself young at all the ages find out more about the skin procedures and treatments that will make you young forever.

Acne Scars And Chemical Peeling


Examine Acne Cleaning - 7 Vegetables You Must Eat more

Acne Cleaning - 7 Vegetables You Must Eat


Eating vegetables is a strong way to clean up your acne. And indeed why should you spend hundreds of dollars on products why you can do it on a natural way, of course you have to pay for the vegetables as well but they don't cost more then a few dollars and I'm sure you eat already vegetables. Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and in the next paragraphs I will describe seven vegetables that help you to clean up your acne plus their health benefits.

Carrots or carrot juice

Give carrot juice a try it's very healthy and it's not only good for acne but it can give you a good colour of your skin as well. A carrot contains a lot of vitamins such as a,b,c and k but also minerals and magnesium. You can eat them raw, stewed (excellent with mustard), in a pudding or as a salad.


A Cucumber is an effective way to prevent pimples. I'm sure you have saw this already in movies a woman with a cucumber mask on her face. Cucumbers contains vitamin a and c.
This may surprise you but they belong to the same family as watermelons. Personally I prefer to eat my cucumber cut in circles with pepper, salt, oil and vinegar.


Salad contains almost no calories and contains a high water volume. Salad contains a lot of vitamin A and but even more vitamin K and vitamin c. I like to serve my salads with a dressing of course you can try mayonnaise but also very nice is an Italian dressing or a French dressing.


Popeye eats spinach and he becomes strong in a few moment of course this is only a cartoon. But spinach is good to clean up acne it contains a lot of Vitamin K, A and Iron. Spinach is also a good resource to prevent you from cancer, hart disease and arthritis.


Peppers or paprika's are one of my favourite are one of my favourite vegetables you have them in red, orange, yellow, green ,white and even purple. Did you know that you can find paprika's in cosmetic aisle such as blush eye shadow. Red and yellow paprika's contain much more vitamin c than green paprika's. In fact green paprika's are immature.


Broccoli is an interesting vegetable to add on the list. Have you read the article written by a CNN journalist in 200: "Broccoli beats most other veggies in health benefits". Broccoli contains a lot of vitamin c and calcium it's also a good resource to prevent cataracts.


Garlic is not really a vegetable you should eat if you want to kiss somebody. Garlic is an important ingredient when it comes to herbal medicines. There are even people who are putting a garlic juice on their pimples.

As you can see vegetables are very effective not only for a perfect skin or to clean up your acne but also for other things as well. There are a lot of people who don't like vegetables but I hope you will try them out.

Frederik gives out a lot of valuable acne and skin information

If you want to learn which kinds of fruit are effective to prevent acne or if you like to know if chocolate is bad for your skin you can visit his site with a lot of articles about acne and skin cleaning =>

Understand Some Side Effects Of Acne Medications more

People with acne might will generally try anything to get rid of it. Who can blame them? With the wide variety of acne medication on the market, getting rid of acne is something that can be achieved by most people.
However, for every acne medication, there are side effects. And before you try any acne medication, it is important that you understand the risks and the possibility of side effects.

Starting with the most powerful acne medication- Isotretinoin (Accutane)

Isotretinoin (Accutane) is an acne medication that is only prescribed by a doctor for cases of severe acne. It is seen as an acne medication of the last resort. One of the reasons for this is that the side effects of this acne medication can be severe. Do not take this lightly. The side effects of Isotretinoin are so many that blood work is needed before it can be administered.

Some side effects of Isotretinoin include:

* Birth defects. This is the most serious side effect. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding may not take Isotretinoin. There are no studies about whether the risk of birth defects is the same for men, but men who take Isotretinoin are advised not to get women pregnant.
* Chapped lips

* Depression, feeling 'off'

* Urinary problems

* Thinning of the hair (temporary)

* Joint and muscle pain

* Headaches

* Dry, chapped skin

* Decrease in night vision


Antibiotics are another acne medication with some potential side effects. Many studies have appeared showing the need for restraint in the use of antibiotics. This includes using antibiotics as an acne medication.
The reason for this is simple. Frequent antibiotic use can lead to resistant strains of bacteria. This goes for acne as well. Over time, acne can become resistant to antibiotics if used as a long-term treatment.
Other possible side effects include:

* Rashes

* Photosensitivity

* Gastrointestinal problems

Birth Control Pills

There are many well-known side-effects associated with birth control pills. If used as an acne medication, be aware of these side effects, which include:

* Vaginal bleeding

* Retaining water

* Melasma

* Increased risk of heart attack, strokes, blood clots and breast cancer

* Depression

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Some Side Effects Of Acne Medications