By the time a woman reaches her early teens, she can usually tell when it is coming. It takes only a few times of completing the cycle to be able to learn how your body reacts and responds to that infamous monthly visitor, the period or menstrual cycle. Besides the bloating, cramping, mood swings, and crabbiness, many women suffer from acne before menstrual period.
Acne is a normal problem encountered by nearly all teenagers, but acne before menstrual period can increase the occurrence for teenage girls. Moreover, this problem can continue long into adulthood, causing pimples well into women's 30's.
There are many different treatments that will help with this problem. Some work better than others and some can be combined to dramatically decrease the amount of appearing acne before menstrual period. These can include medications, lotions, facial scrubs, and even a special acne diet.
Most medications for acne are available only by prescription. These can include oral medicines that are taken daily or medicated lotions that are rubbed into the skin. Over-the-counter types of prevention include facial and body scrubs to keep the skin clean and free of some bacterias that help increase acne.
Lotion type medications are often too expensive to be used before menstrual period because such acne occurs on so many parts of the body (including the face, neck, back, chests and shoulders). Additionally, many women worry about the side effects of oral medicines, which causes many to turn to an anti-acne diet.
This kind of diet will help you to avoid foods that contain hormones associated with acne, as well as other types of acne causing food. Sugar, for example, has been shown to have the potential to greatly increase instances and severity of acne.
In addition, the hormones in milk can also lead to an increase in acne production. In fact, any food with hormones in it (these include milk, and most animal products as farmers use hormones to boost their production) can cause an increase. Lastly, adding fish to your diet can help decrease your acne. Most fish has very important omega-3 oils that make your skin healthier.
AcneThe Acne Help Page is an online knowledge base covering everything related to acne. Here you can find information on the causes of acne to common treatment options and formulating your own acne diet [] Read other's experiences regarding acne before menstrual period [] at the treatment results page.