Acne is a common skin disease which impinges on the skin with nodules, pimples, papules, and scarring.
Acne may develop as a result of blockages that occur in the hair follicles consisting of dead skin cells and excess oil.
It may also occur due to hormonal activities such as a menstrual cycle, pregnancy or puberty.
Acne is generally caused by an increase in testosterone, which both genders produce during puberty.
The possibility to develop acne also results from hereditary factors. In essence, if it runs in your family, chances are you will experience acne at some point in your life.
For some, acne diminishes with time and tends to vanish. For others, the situation goes on into middle-age and beyond. Acne is really an annoyance and a common concern among both adolescents and adults alike. No one is content with looking in the mirror and seeing pimples in their various forms looking back at them.
The following will help you understand the correlation of acne and vitamins, so you may determine which vitamins that help acne you might like to incorporate into your acne regimen.
Vitamins for skin care and/or helping acne is somewhat of a burning issue in Teen Town USA, not to mention the rest of the acneic population on this earth.
Our body needs absolute nutrition to uphold healthy skin and to avert acne. Most people are lacking in the vitamins that are imperative for their body to function resourcefully. Undoubtedly, the way we treat the inside of our body can play an important role in the way the outside of our body reacts and appears. There are a number of vitamins that will shield the health of our skin and ultimately bring the best results.
Vitamin A - Experts report that Vitamin A is necessary both for skin healing and eyes. If we consume a daily dose of 25,000 units of Vitamin A, twice a day will help to strengthen the skin's protective tissue and prevent acne. Milk, liver, butter, egg, broccoli, mango etc are the chief sources of Vitamin A.
Vitamin B Complex - Vitamin B complex helps to maintain a healthy skin tone. In addition, it also helps to relieve anxiety and stress. Vitamin B group comprises of Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic Acid (B5), Pridoxine (B6), Biotin (B7), Folic Acid (B9), and Cyanocobalamin (B12). All the B vitamins have many benefits and when used in combination the best results are often achieved.
Thiamine - Thiamine also acts as an antioxidant, which enhances the body's circulation and aids our body in achieving proper digestion.
Vitamin B2 - A Vitamin B2 deficiency is one of the symptoms of acne. Taking 100 mg of Vitamin B2 thrice daily improves mucous membranes.
Vitamin B5 - Vitamin B5 is noted for reducing stress.
Vitamin B6 - Vitamin B6 is responsible for playing a major role in metabolizing fatty acids, proteins, and the all-important sugars, along with helping to maintain the health of your immune system and produce antibodies.
Vitamin C - Vitamin C is needed for numerous functions, such as assisting in the quick absorption of particular minerals like iron.
Vitamin E - Vitamin E protects against the harmful action of free radicals caused by excess sun exposure.
Vitamin K - Vitamin K fortifies the skin causing it to heal faster and diminish the appearance of bruises.
The truth is, you can get rid of acne fast if you know exactly what to do. In addition to the above, check out the resource box below to learn how you can start getting control of your acne.
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